Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I was reminded today that we are called to be faithful.  In whatever I do. Let me translate what I mean.  On Monday I had the privilege of leading a time of chapel/discussion at the local shelter in town.  The guys that are there to hear the Word are there for the purpose of recieving a meal ticket that can be used to eat dinner that night.  Going in I was a bit anxious about the fact that I would present the Word to them in a discussion format and yet could not shake the feeling that they would hear what some of them have heard no doubt a thousand times.  I was worried that I would just be another guy coming to tell me about Jesus and it would crack not a stint of thier armor.  Leaving I didn't recieve any feedback that told me it was any different than how I had envisioned it.  They came, they heard, they got a ticket and left.  Minimal discussion but some, and again as I had assumed they usually had it pretty much nailed down.  It is after all the south.  Churches on every corner.  Missions in every major town that to some degree or another offer the same kind of things.  All of this is well and good. Even necessary. I think that a one in one million success rate via what missions have to offer is easily a justifiable expediature.  If one in a billion even was all that came to Christ through the offerings presented the billion at a location such as the one I volunteer at was the only "fruit" then Praise God.  I do believe that despite my worry and anxiety that that is easily a realistic number and more that find life in this way.  That is called being faithful.  After all who am I there for? If it is for college credit hours only then I am being unfaithful to my call.  If it is for a feel good sensation at positive feedback from those in attendance and no more than that I am not being faithful.  If it is in the acknowledgement, however that in me dwells the risen Christ Almighty, and that He will do in me and through me whatever it is that He desires regardless of the "fruit" I may or may not see.  Well that then is being faithful.  And that is also what it means to say Not I but Christ.  Its His Word and the earth is the Lords and all that is in it, so I can only be faithful to proclaim the gospel at all times, in all ways, in all circumstances and look not to being rewarded with visible fruit but rather only being faithful to Him.  He will take care of allllll the rest.

In Christ,
Phillip James Gilmore

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